The Club Soda podcast

The Next Round: Cecilia is living the lifestyle she encourages others to follow

Club Soda Season 3 Episode 3

For years, Cecilia lived a life dedicated to health and fitness and encouraged others to prioritise their well-being. But one thing didn’t align with her values: alcohol.

Cecilia didn’t drink often, but when she did, she didn’t like how it made her feel. It clashed with the lifestyle she professionally advocated.

Welcome to the next round—where we explore what happens after people evaluate their relationship with alcohol. Whether you’re a daily drinker or an occasional binge drinker, alcohol can affect your life in both physical and psychological ways. Can quitting open up new perspectives?

This week’s guest, Cecilia Shandeva, a Workplace Wellbeing Professional and Grief Recovery Specialist, proves that no matter where you start, social pressures remain the same—but cutting out alcohol can make a huge difference. While the physical benefits of quitting are clear, the biggest gains may come from the psychological transformation.

“Everything about drinking isn’t fully aligned with me, who I really am as a person.”

For years, Cecilia lived a life dedicated to health and fitness. She ran marathons, led group workouts, and encouraged others to prioritize their well-being. But one thing wasn’t aligning with her values: her drinking habits.

“I considered myself a social drinker, I’d go out maybe once a month, and sometimes I’d take a break for a couple of months. But then there were times, like around birthdays or Christmas, when I’d drink more than I planned. Even when I thought I was controlling it, I wasn’t.”

Despite drinking less frequently than some, the impact was undeniable. The hangovers, the anxiety, the lost days of recovery – Cecilia realised that alcohol was taking away from the life she wanted to live.

“If I went out planning to have one or two drinks, it would usually end up being more. I was waking up feeling awful, regretting the night before, questioning my decisions – even if I hadn’t done anything particularly bad.”

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For years, Cecilia lived a life dedicated to health and fitness and encouraged others to prioritise their well-being. But one thing didn’t align with her values: alcohol.

Cecilia didn’t drink often, but when she did, she didn’t like how it made her feel. It clashed with the lifestyle she professionally advocated.

Welcome to the next round—where we explore what happens after people evaluate their relationship with alcohol. Whether you’re a daily drinker or an occasional binge drinker, alcohol can affect your life in both physical and psychological ways. Can quitting open up new perspectives?

This week’s guest, Cecilia Shandeva, a Workplace Wellbeing Professional and Grief Recovery Specialist, proves that no matter where you start, social pressures remain the same—but cutting out alcohol can make a huge difference. While the physical benefits of quitting are clear, the biggest gains may come from the psychological transformation.

“Everything about drinking isn’t fully aligned with me, who I really am as a person.”

For years, Cecilia lived a life dedicated to health and fitness. She ran marathons, led group workouts, and encouraged others to prioritize their well-being. But one thing wasn’t aligning with her values: her drinking habits.

“I considered myself a social drinker, I’d go out maybe once a month, and sometimes I’d take a break for a couple of months. But then there were times, like around birthdays or Christmas, when I’d drink more than I planned. Even when I thought I was controlling it, I wasn’t.”

Despite drinking less frequently than some, the impact was undeniable. The hangovers, the anxiety, the lost days of recovery – Cecilia realised that alcohol was taking away from the life she wanted to live.

“If I went out planning to have one or two drinks, it would usually end up being more. I was waking up feeling awful, regretting the night before, questioning my decisions – even if I hadn’t done anything particularly bad.”

The Moment of Change

By December 2022, the cycle had built up to a breaking point. A string of social events led to another rough morning, and she woke up with an undeniable realisation: “I just wanted alcohol out of my life.”

“I didn’t hit what some people call ‘rock bottom. But I had this deep inner voice screaming at me, telling me this wasn’t who I truly was. I could see all the negative things alcohol brought – lost time, lost energy, lost confidence. I knew it had to stop.”

But knowing and doing are two different things.

“It didn’t happen immediately,. There was a three-year build-up of stopping and starting, trying to control it, and failing. But eventually, I made the decision. I wanted to be the person I was meant to be – fully.”

A New Chapter

Quitting wasn’t just about removing alcohol; it was about stepping into a new life.

“I’ve always been into my health and fitness, but drinking held me back in ways I didn’t even realise. Now, I’m actually living the lifestyle I encourage others to follow.”

She describes how the benefits kept unfolding.

“I thought I’d miss drinking, but instead, I discovered how much better life is without it. My workouts improved, my energy levels soared, my anxiety disappeared, and I finally felt aligned with my values.”

Socialising changed too, but in ways she hadn’t expected.

“I still go out, but I leave when I’m ready. My friends who still drink often drink less when they’re with me, and they actually appreciate it. One friend even told me, ‘I’m so glad you weren’t drinking tonight- now I won’t have a hangover tomorrow, and I can go to the gym!’”

Her newfound clarity has even influenced her professional life.

“I specialise in workplace well-being and resilience, and now I feel like I can truly stand by what I teach. I’m living proof that removing alcohol can enhance every aspect of life.”

Embracing the Future

For anyone questioning their relationship with alcohol, Cecilia offers reassurance:

“It’s scary at first. I remember feeling completely lost – how would I socialise? What would people think? But the fear doesn’t last. In fact, the more time passes, the more you realize how much better life is without it.”